Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mr.CEO- how not to kill your organisation.

dear CEO
OF LATE I see in many organizations, certain diseases which are likely to affect their very survival .PAST SUCCESS IS THE ENEMY OF FUTURE SUCCESS.The symptoms are
  1. complacency - we are the best,we already are doing well and nothing more is needed to be done, always highlighting past glory.
  2. lack of listening to customer - we know what is best for the customer.
  3. aversion for data- going by " feel" rather than data
  4. meeting decisions are not followed up - minutes of meeting sleep in the files.
  5. Poor execution and monitoring- accepting excuses, always working on fait accompli .Lack of comprehensive reviews and feeling of accountability
  6. Firefighting for most of the time - put off things till they become emergencies
  7. lack of capacity for accepting criticism- nobody points out problem issues to the management, maybe except to blame others .wrong decisions are vocally supported till they become untenable.
Dear CEO pl look at yourself and your organization and try to rectify before it is too late.

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