Monday, September 3, 2012

Importance of MRM (Management Review Meeting)

Follow up is the essence of co-ordination. The Management System Standards like ISO 9001/ISO 14001/ OHSAS 18001 have a requirement of management review, to check effectiveness of the management system. This is a follow up mechanism for checking whether the policy of organization is effectively implemented, and also whether the objectives are met, whether the primary stake holders of the systems are satisfied.
The standards say that this is a review directly carried out by the top management. It covers (among other things)
1.    Results of audits( internal & external)
2.    Customer satisfaction measures, feedback from interested parties.
3.    Objective achievements
4.    Results of corrective & preventive actions
5.    Nonconformities, incidents and accidents.
6.    Follow up action from previous reviews etc.
This is a periodic health check. 
It is done based on data, not on opinion. Decisions are assigned with due dates and responsibilities and the decisions are followed up for effective implementation.
This forms part of the “C” and “A” of the PDCA cycle.
This will definitely result in progress if done sincerely
Many CEOs don’t even participate in the MRM. It appears that they are ignorant of the power of the MRM and how it will help them to meet their own objectives as top management. 
To honour the commitments they have given to the board of directors and their customers.
          I sincerely hope that their eyes opened to the endless possibilities of the MRM as a tool for improvement.